With just a couple of days to go until Ramsbottom Running Club's Annual General Meeting, here's what you can expect on Wednesday evening:
Amendment to RRC constitution:
The proposed amendments to the Ramsbottom Running Club constitution:
(i) to include a new role of Communications Officer on the club's governing committee and
(ii) to adapt the previous RRC Juniors Welfare Officer role into that of Welfare & Wellbeing Officer, and to retain this adapted role on the club's governing committee
received no objections from members.
Proposed appointments to the committee:
1. Eve Hart and Connor Barrett have put themselves forward for the newly created Communications Officer role, and would like to share the role.
Eve has a professional background in communications and has assisted the club on an ad-hoc basis for several years, supporting weekly communications via the club's Facebook pages and newsletters.
Connor also has a professional background in communications and has regularly supported club communications over the past couple of years, preparing weekly blogs summarising club and competitive activity and has been a regular contributor over the period of lockdown.
2. Catherine Shield has put herself forward for the vacant (Co) Club Events Coordinator role.
Catherine has been instrumental in many of the virtual challenges and initiatives that have taken place over the last 12 months and has a passion and flair for design and creativity, providing a real sense of identity and professionalism to everything she has contributed to.
3. Unfortunately there have been no expressions of interest to the vacant (and slightly evolved role) of Welfare and Wellbeing Officer.
It is proposed that this vacancy on the club's governing committee is kept open and either (i) the Executive Committee (Chair, Treasurer and General Secretary) seek to appoint a suitable member to this role in the interim period or (ii) this position is reviewed at the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
4. All remaining members of the committee would like to stand for re-election .
As there have been no expressions of interest from other members to stand for any of these positions it is proposed that all of the remaining existing committee members are re-elected for 2021.
An online link to a simple voting form will be shared with all members present at the AGM so that they can formally vote on the above proposals.
RRC Chair, Rowan Ardill will provide a highlights of the year presentation, General Secretary Andrew Fawkes will take us through the business and the club's financial accounts will be presented by Treasurer Gemma Duffy.
...and of course we'll round off the evening with our traditional pub quiz!
We look forward to seeing you, you can join the meeting by following this link: