The Ramsbottom Running Club Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday 24 February, in case you missed it, here's what happened…
It was an AGM like no other as 63 members joined from the comfort of their own homes - the largest turnout at an RRC AGM to date!
To open proceedings, Chair Rowan Ardill presented his highlights of the year and said thank you to everyone for their trust, support and patience over the last 12 months. Rowan also said a special thank you to Ann Butler and Lee Entwistle for their vast contributions to the club during their time on the committee - both of whom stood down from their roles for the upcoming year.

Club Secretary, Andrew Fawkes explained the proposed changes to the club’s constitution and the process that had been followed to form the club committee for the next 12 months. After a vote amongst members present, Catherine Shield was voted in to take on the role of (Co) Club Events Coordinator, Eve Hart and Connor Barrett were voted in to jointly take on the new role of Communications Officer and the remaining members of the existing committee were re-elected.
The 2021 Ramsbottom Running Club Committee:
Chair - Rowan Ardill
Treasurer - Gemma Duffy
Club Secretary - Andrew Fawkes
Club Events Coordinators - Beverley Walker & Catherine Shield
Safeguarding Officer - Marie Mckittrick
Welfare & Wellbeing Officer - Vacant
Membership Secretary - Louise Geoghegan
Social Secretary - Brighda Cameron
Kit Officer - Gareth Bradshaw
RRC Juniors Lead - Sarah Sutcliffe
Communications Officers - Eve Hart & Connor Barrett

Treasurer, Gemma Duffy presented the club accounts, a summary of which can be seen here!

Members’ questions:
Neil Wharmby asked whether the amount of kit being held in stock was seen as a risk. It was explained that, due to the way club kit must be purchased - a minimum order is required to reduce costs - and the desire to hold both male and female kit in two different styles (tee and vest) across multiple sizes (XS-XXL), the amount of kit currently being held in stock was not deemed to be excessive and as such the financial risk is minimal. Albeit the club is keen to ensure that kit is being purchased by members.
The new club committee is due to meet for the first time this week to discuss, amongst other things, the return of club activity and it is hoped that there will be some positive news to share very soon!
Watch this space…