1. Ramsbottom Running Club Committee – 2020 role holders:
- Rowan Ardill – Chair
- Gemma Duffy – Treasurer
- Andrew Fawkes – General Secretary
- *Ann Butler & Beverley Walker – Club Events Coordinators
- Brighda Cameron - Social Secretary
- Gareth Bradshaw – Kit Officer
- Louise Geoghegan - Membership Secretary
- Marie Mckittrick - Club Welfare Officer
- Sarah Sutcliffe – RRC Juniors Lead
- *Lee Entwistle - RRC Juniors Welfare Officer
2. Process for re-election as per the Ramsbottom Running Club Constitution*:
(a) The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee which shall consist of* the Chair, Treasurer, General Secretary, Club Events Coordinators (x2), Social Secretary, Kit Officer, Membership Secretary, Club Welfare Officer, RRC Juniors Lead, RRC Juniors Welfare Officer who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
*This document lays out proposed amendments to these committee roles.
(b) All members of the Committee shall be elected by ballot during the Annual General Meeting.
(c) All committee members must be members of the Club.
(d) If required, the committee shall elect a Vice Chair from among its number.
(e) The term of office shall be for one year, and members shall be eligible for re-election.
(f) If the post of any officer or ordinary committee member should fall vacant after such an election, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the succeeding Annual General Meeting.
3. Summary of proposed changes to the Ramsbottom Running Club Constitution:
a. It is proposed that the RRC constitution is amended and a slightly evolved and a broader role of Welfare and Wellbeing Officer is created (in place of the RRC Juniors Welfare Officer role) and that this new role is included as part of the club's committee. The Welfare & Wellbeing Officer’s role will be to promote a general sense of positive wellbeing amongst the club’s membership and support the Club Welfare Officer to promote the club’s policy and procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults via the club’s Welfare Policy.
b. It is proposed that a new role of Communications Officer is created and this role be included as part of the club's committee. The rationale for this role is the need for someone with the relevant skills to develop and implement a strategic communications plan, ensuring a joined up approach is taken across all of the club’s communications platforms. The role will also require the holder to proactively identify opportunities to promote the club’s activities both internally and externally.
If you have any objections to the proposed changes to the constitution you must respond in writing (hi@ramsbottomrunningclub.co.uk) by midday on Sunday 21st February 2021.