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Nigel's weekly round up!

Week ending 29th May

Full Scottish

Up in Edinburgh this weekend super women Eve Hart, Sarah Clarke, Yvonne Booth and Vanessa Lobb took on the marathon. This was Sarah’s fifth 26.2 of the year as part of her marathon a month challenge for Cancer Research.

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Running the half, we had the equally super Emma Palmer, Dave Lowe and Simon (PB) Jones. The marathon runners were grateful for support along the way from Richard Thatcher and Tryfan.

Epic Triathlon performances

In the lakes it was the Epic Events half ironman distance triathlon. Perfect preparation for Ironman UK and the chance was not missed by Zoe Molyneux, James Thomas and Andrew Patterson who unfortunately had a terminal bike malfunction that prevented him finishing.

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Alex Quayle was slumming it at Blenheim Palace, fine tuning his transitions at the Blenheim sprint triathlon.

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Across the Atlantic, North and South

Andrew Giles clocked up yet another ultra at the undulating Blackfoot 50K, part 3 of a 3-race series. If he keeps sharing these, one day Andrew will wake up to a knock on the door to find dozens of uninvited ramouflaged guests on the front porch!

Something in the Cayman Island sunshine seems to be agreeing with
Andy Morrison who ran an 18:17 personal best in the Deputy Governor’s 5k race.

Media City

Earlier in the week
Kayleigh Hadfield was our sole representative at the Runthrough Media City 5k. Well done Kayleigh!

parkrun roundup

The start of the half term break meant a good deal of parkrun tourism this week but the biggest turn out by far was at Bolton’s 500th event where we had 22 runners.
Paula Pilling is no stranger to finishing first but it’s all the more special to be first female at this landmark event. Well done Paula.

At Worsley Woods on the trails
Laurence Keighley will have been pleased with a sub 20 time of 19:59!

Amy Ardill, Lianne Troughton (and Bonnie), Gina Jackson, Katie Lougheed and Gary Bradley took on the anytime parkrun at Peel.

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Further afield Tom White achieved 18:22 and a first-placed finish at Dalby Forest, Andy Norman was at Parke, Ben Knight will have been mugging for the camera at Fell Foot, Cecilia Woods at Erddig, Paul Jenkins at The Wammy parkrun in Staffordshire, Ian Douglas at Nant Y Pandy, Sacha Cooper at Chevin Forest, Adrian Booth at The University Parks event in Oxford, Adam Bolton at Sutton Manor and Jo and Mark Wainwright visited Trentham Gardens.

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You can find out exactly who parkrunned and where right here.

Well done to everyone who ran anywhere this week, please feel free to share any good stuff we've missed under the Facebook post.