Hi Martin, what do you do for a living?
I have a share in a small computer software business. It's getting smaller every year.
How and why did you first get involved with RRC?
I was in The Major in 2016 when a running club pub crawl staggered in. I know Nigel from Helmshore and I thought this is my kind of club. The elf on the pool table confirmed it.
What is your favourite running memory or moment?
Finishing the Rossendale Way. It gave me the confidence to challenge myself further.
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us...
I won a national drawing competition by Ready Brek when I was 12 or 13 judged by Graham Hill.
Who would be your 4 fantasy dinner guests (dead or alive)?
Barry Sheene, Dave Allen, Sir Michael Hordern and Victoria Wood.
What is your pre-race routine?
I always feel rubbish when I start running, so I run at race pace for a few minutes 10 minutes before the start to get the rubbish bit out of the way.
Onto the quick-fire round...
Favourite book?
Water Music by T. Coraghessan Boyle
Favourite film?
Favourite band?
King Crimson
Favourite parkrun?
Stretford (I've only been to 5)
Who is your running hero?
Dave Moorcroft
What would you choose as your Mastermind specialist subject?
You are in lockdown and can only have one of these for the next 21 days, which are you choosing?

Flame Grilled Steak McCoys