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Meet the member

featuring Nigel Hartley (RRC009)

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Hi Nigel, we'll start with the usual question... what do you do for a living? 

I'm a Local Government Manager.

...and how and why did you first get involved with RRC?

John Southworth invited me to the second or third get together as he knew I did a bit of solo running around the moors.

What is your favourite running memory or moment?

The finish line at the Gin Pit 5 in our early days. Nearly every runner had finished, it was freezing cold but we all waited until every runner had finished to cheer them in. I looked around and noticed that only Rammy did that and the best thing is we still do it.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us...

When I was 8 Peter Reid (England International) gave me a quarter of rainbow crystals to keep out of the way while he had sex with his girlfriend below deck on the Leeds-Liverpool canal. It was years later I realised what was going on, at the time I just thought he was nice.

Who would be your four fantasy dinner guests (dead or alive)?

Joy Adamson, Jane Goodall, Gerald Durrell and Billy Bremner

What is your pre-race routine?

Repeated attempts to evacuate my bowels

Onto the quick-fire round...

Favourite book?

Margaret Attwood's Maddaddam trilogy

Favourite film?

Withnail and I

Favourite band?

The Eels

Favourite parkrun?

Crathes Castle

Who is your running hero?

My last dog, without whom I would be about 5 stone heavier

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What would you choose as your Mastermind specialist subject?

East African Wildlife

You are self isolating and can only have one of these for the next 14 days, which are you choosing?

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Chocolate Hobnobs