Hi Gemma, lets start with an easy one... What do you do for a living?
I work for The Co-op managing a number of data and insight teams - within that we help to reduce food waste which has such positive environmental and community impacts.
How and why did you first get involved with RRC?
It was my 2018 New Year's resolution - I'd stalked the Facebook page for months before I plucked up the courage to come along. My first run was in snow - I was convinced it would be cancelled and I could go home and say at least I'd tried.
What is your favourite running memory or moment?
An impossible question but my first 10km a long long time ago with my friend Angela was special. More recently the Rochdale Half with Chris Hughes
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us...
I've loved running since junior school. I remember my Dad taking me to Springfield park so I could do laps to practice for a race. I've run throughout my 20s and 30s and now in my 40s.
Who would be your 4 fantasy dinner guests (dead or alive)?
My Dad, my Mum, Mark (my husband) and the kids (slight cheat classing them as 1). My Dad died 10 years ago he's never met Mark, Eliza or Cora I'd love for them all to meet
What is your pre-race routine?
Find the toilet - go and then probably go again.
Right, time for the quick-fire round...
Favourite book?
Wild Swans by Jung Chang
Favourite film?
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Or any film with Nicholas Cage in.
Favourite band?
Haven't got one I'll listen to anything and everything!
Favourite parkrun?
Who is your running hero?
All of RRC - never underestimate how much you all inspire me!
What would you choose as your Mastermind specialist subject?
Las Vegas
You are self isolating and can only have one of these for the next 14 days, which are you choosing?

Chocolate Hobnobs