Two weekly roundup: to week ending 13th November 2022
Backyard Ultra
It was all go in the city that never sleeps. That’s right Leeds; where Simon Jones ran over 100k in God’s Own Backyard Ultra. This is a test of stamina, will power and tactics with each 4-mile lap starting on the hour until only one runner remains.

New York Marathon
While the backyard ultra attracted a field of 79, at the other end of the scale Beci Cartridge followed up her Chicago adventure by representing the club at the New York Marathon with 50,000 others.

Lancaster Half Marathon
Last week also saw the Lancaster Half in which Connor Barret was rewarded for a season of hard work with another PB.
Sliabh Liag
In his now native Ireland, Matt Hardy took on the Sliabh Liag adventure race. A 12k mountain race starting at sea level and following pilgrim trails along spectacular sea cliffs to the 570m summit and back.

Lytham Windmill 10k
The popular Lytham Windmill Race was held in glorious weather without the usual autumn seaside breeze that can make this quite a punishing run. Taking full advantage of the sunny morning were Alan Blagburn, Daniel Rawson, Andrea Sidebottom, Sandra Powers and Jo Wainright.

Towneley Park Cross Country
At Towneley Park we had small teams in both the men’s and women's races. Nigel Hartley, Paul Marshall, Lee Entwistle, Andy Norman, Lee Ford, Diane Ford, Rosie Cunnings, Helen Bins, Jodie Reynolds and Paula Pilling all took part.

It was a fairly tame course by local cross-country standards on a route that would have been familiar to Burnley parkrunners. Stand out performances came from Paula who was 2nd in her age category and Paul Marshall who was our first man home by some distance.

We had Rams at 21 different parkrun locations this weekend.
There were sub 20-minute runs for Neil McRobert in Cambridge at Coldham’s Common and for Laurence Keighley at nearby Peel Park in Salford.
Other tourists included Alan Blagburn at Tawd Valley, Sacha Cooper in Whitehaven, Andrea Sidebottom and Sandra Powers at Erddig, Stephen Yates and Ben Knight at Oakwell Hall, Eve Hart at Fellfoot and Christine Berry at Keswick.

Congratulations to eveyone and thank you for sharing your running. As always, if you'd rather not have a mention on social media please let us know and do share any exploits we may mave missed.