Week ending 31st July 2022
Lee Mill Fell Race
Thank you to Richard Thatcher for this report from last Wednesday’s RRC Fell Champs event:
When the Lee Mill Fell race last ran in 2019 the driving rain and knee-deep bogs made it a memorable introduction to fell racing for many at RRC. This year's outing thankfully took place in much kinder conditions, which meant that the requirement to carry a cag caught some off guard, but some borrowed kit later 11 sturdy Rams lined up at the start ready to be sent on their way. A short pre-race brief was provided and then we were off.
The first mile or so runs on farm tracks before climbing to the edge of Lee Quarry where the earth works provide the first challenging climb and a taster for what's to come, however it’s not long before the route gets out on to the open moor and the long climb up to the Top of Leach trig point.

The dry ground under foot made progress much easier this time around, although the narrow tracks meant passing other runners had to be well timed. The descent from the trig point takes a short spell along club favourite Rooley Moor Road before diving back down towards the quarry and a series of steep descents, ascents and descents again through more quarry workings.
A careful lookout had to be maintained for the waymarkers through this section, but all the rams managed to find their way without mishap. Throughout the final couple of miles some gentler ground gives the opportunity to stretch out a little before returning to the farm tracks and surprising climb and final run down towards the finish. Matt Smith was the first ram home with many of the others satisfied to improve on their 2019 times. Becky Albrow and Izzy Akerstrom finishing together to split the honours for the ladies.

Run Through Media City
In other race action this week Kayleigh Hadfield was pleased with her improvement at the midweek event at Salford Quays.
Canadian Death Race
We shouldn’t be too surprised that Andrew Giles was doing something called Canadian Death Race. Taking 9.5 hrs over a brutal Rocky Mountain 41K whilst still finding time to double up as a volunteer marshal.

Lakeland 50
More endurance action in Cumbria where Sarah Clarke and Richard Thatcher completed the Lakeland 50 in typical lake district weather. Sarah’s marathon (or more) a month challenge continues.

We had walkers and runners at 20 different parkruns on Saturday, but tourist of the week must be Sally Tolley in Boston, USA at the Jamaica Pond parkrun.

Not for the first time, I’ve got my Ali Mac’s mixed up. I spent 5 minutes wondering how Ali Mckittrick could be over the Irish Sea at Lough Key the day after daughter Caroline’s wedding before realising it was in fact Ali McArthur.

Jane Emanuel and Steve Marsden were still in the South East at Trelissik as was Eve Hart at Penrose.
Andrea Sidebottom and Paula Jones were over in Yorkshire at Dewsbury and Harrogate respectively.
Five seconds separated Rowan Ardill and Alexander Shield at Heaton Park while Sacha Cooper squeezed inbetween RRC glamour couple Ben Knight and Stephen Yates at Burnage.

The full round up of RRC parkrunners is here.